E-Book cover for 'Timeless Lessons on How to Think Like a Billionaire' featuring photos of famous billionaires in the background by Andy CrebarE-Book cover for 'Timeless Lessons on How to Think Like a Billionaire' featuring photos of famous billionaires in the background by Andy Crebar

5 timeless lessons

Ever dreamed of buying a sports team or helping millions of people through charity? Me too.

But it's not going to be some productivity hack, morning routine, or overpriced green smoothie. It’s perspectives that anyone can apply to their life.

This eBook covers:
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Field Mice vs Antelope - If you're going to dedicate your life to a business, why should you choose the one with the biggest potential?
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The 3 Types of Market Timing - you'll find something common in most self-made billionaire stories. They rode a wave of change.
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Why Good Artists Copy, Great Artists Steal - lessons from Uber, Facebook, and the King of Everyday Low Prices.