Hey - I'm Andy

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Hey - I'm Andy

Join 4,000 people receiving my 2x weekly newsletter covering startups, money and mindset.
Andy Crebar smiling
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Dear friend,

In 2017, my wife and I wanted to start a family. 

I thought we were doing okay and that we were ready financially.

We decided to start small, and adopted a rescue that no one wanted.

Two days later, we found out he had pneumonia. 

Insurance doesn't cover rescues for 30 days - so it was on us.

$10,000 to save him or he'd likely pass away.

I didn't have $10,000. That hurt. 😞

I thought I was ready to support a family?

I wasn't even ready to support a 12 lbs chihuahua....

And from that day, I got an idea stuck in my head I haven't been able to shake.

The idea of Escape Velocity.

Where your assets do the heavy lifting to fund your lifestyle (not your time).

Because I have to be honest.

I used to worry so much about money. It consumed so much of my energy.

I’ve seen this with other people too.

The pressure and the pull that money can have on somebody is unbelievable.

And once you solve that problem - you are free to focus on other things.

But it's not about leaving your job or telling your boss to go shove that next project.

It's the freedom to do what you want:

  • Put your family first family 🧑🧑🧒🧒
  • Take the weekend off 🏝️
  • Volunteer on Fridays 🎗️
  • Pay for the unexpected 🐕

To get there, I needed to get my business, money and mindset right.

Only then could I truly support, lead and inspire the communities around me.

I chipped in the cash I had, and borrowed the rest of the $10,000 from a friend.

That was embarrassing. 🤦

But I knew we had made a commitment to that little guy. 

Oscar (now 16lbs) brings so much joy to our family and two little girls.

That $10,000 lesson taught me that I needed to get financially free as soon as possible.

My family got there a few years later.

Since then, I've been focused on supporting as many people as I can to get there too.

There are many paths. The most rewarding I know is building a business that creates a tonne of value for others.

So that's what I do - help others build companies bigger, faster and better than I did.

So if you're on a similar journey of building something great to reach your own escape velocity  - join my newsletter below.

Stay ambitious and grateful.

Andy Crebar signature

Get to your number faster by learning from the lessons of others.

Escape Velocity is a 2x a week newsletter.

Each Wednesday, a short email with the best things I've seen on LinkedIn. On Saturday, an actionable idea on startups, money or mindset.

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12 books that changed my life - most books are 300 pages reiterating one big idea. These are my top 12.
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Making $58 million as an employee - learnings from one guy's ability to capture more value than most CEOs make in a 20+ year career.
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Reflections on a major setback - an embarrassing failure that hit hard and led me to a philosophy I think about daily.
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How I lost $1.4 million - I should've known better and what I tell people on a similar path.

Most software businesses are the same - here are 8 systems that every one needs

Simple frameworks and strategies that have helped countless companies go from zero to $5 million in revenue.
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Content on business, money & mindset.