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Escape Velocity is where your assets do the heavy lifting to fund your lifestyle (not your time).

Each Wednesday, get a short, actionable email that covers something in business, money and mindset.

12 books that changed my life - most books are 300 pages reiterating one big idea. These are my top 12.
Making $58 million as an employee - learnings from one guy's ability to capture more value than most CEOs make in a 20+ year career.
Reflections on a major setback - an embarrassing failure that hit hard and led me to a philosophy I think about daily.
How I lost $1.4 million - I should've known better and what I tell people on a similar path.

Learnings from the mindset of the world's wealthiest people

In 2017, I pitched a billionaire on my start-up. These are five lessons I learned that have stuck with me.
6 Timeless Lessons on How to Think Like a Billionaire by Andy Crebar ebook cover